Wednesday 18 September 2013

g.Shows - Mongol (蒙古王) and 止杀令

The last part is here:   An unexpected Guest - Bubble Tea

The shows are here:   Mongol (蒙古王)   and   止杀令
The description is here:   Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan was enslaved at a tender age of 9 by his own tribesmen, denied of his rightful place as khan of his tribe. Over the next 25-30 years, he struggled and only claimed his prize at 35-40 yo. He died approximately 65 yo. He went on a journey not knowing if he wins or loses. His bitter experience of enslavery from childhood to very senior adulthood caused him to kill over 40 million people. His murderous conquests killed so many people that huge swathes of cultivated land returned to forest. Do note that to be successful, you need to apply 10-25 years of your life on one single quest. 

The Mongol Warlord's promise of terror and mass extermination of anyone opposing him was a well-tested Mongol tactic. The alternative to submission was total war: if refused, Mongol leaders ordered the collective slaughter of populations and destruction of property, as the source of oppressive evil. The success of Mongol tactics hinged on fear: to induce capitulation amongst enemy populations. Although perceived as being bloodthirsty, the Mongol strategy of "surrender or die" still recognized that conquest by capitulation was more desirable than being forced to continually expend soldiers, food, and money to fight every army and sack every town and city along the campaign's route.


Lotus asked, "My dearest King, you looked extremely tired today. Ever since you returned from white crane sister's palace, you don't look your usual self."

I replied, "I am concerned over white crane's quest of the Land of Crescent Lake. Not only I have external worries, I have to contend with spies from within. I am not at rest."

Lotus said, "I am afraid white crane sister is right. With land, a farmer would use the renewable energy from the sun to grow plants and rear animals. When the produce was plenty, the farmer would employ help to till the land. Some smart helpers would produce cute little tools which the farmer would use to reduce his backaches. These little blacksmiths later branched out to become artisans and craftsmen building all kinds of things such as buildings and roads for the farm and helpers. These helpers later became popularly known as doctors, mechanics, technicians, engineers and architects. As the sheep and cattle became too numerous, some helpers called themselves bin-counters (or accountants) and assisted the farmer in keeping track of his sheep and properties. Over time, due its rich produce, the farm was frequently raided by robbers and thieves. The farmer then started to have some helpers to double-up as security. At the same time, some highlanders started to organize themselves and called themselves the high-leaders and law-makers. These were none other than the robbers themselves known by their other name. They would exhort high fees in the name of taxes in return for the peace in producing plants and animals. Other helpers branched out to provide sex and night clubs for the tired and weary."

"Other land owners might not like the farmer's way. They started to sack the land for its non-renewable mineral deposits and oil reserves. This, however, was not sustainable. Sooner or later, the land would be devoid of its valuable deposits and rendered itself worthless."

"What is sustainable is therefore only the daily energy provided by the sun. If the need of the people around the land is higher than that of the produce of the land, war will form. The answer to this question however is sacred." She finally smiled.

Lotus came from a humble background. her education level was not high. But, through various encounters, she has matured as a competent gal, full of confidence and willingness to lead. To tread where most men fear. Indeed, she is now a competent war councillor. She has taken her place as a constant companion to me. Her only need is for me to give her a son and wanted nothing else. She called it the king's ransom. I have no end of fun thinking about this king's ransom.

I laughed and interjected, "You mean the wicked city of rats in that fucken little island?"

Lotus smiled, "Yes. My lord. That rat city will fail as there is no way they can find a way out of the resource problem. If they commandeer no resource, they will have to eat each other for food. One simply has to give way to the grim reality."

I was quiet.

With a far straighter face than usual, Lotus said, "My dear Sire. I know you were once a princeling forced to go into exile by the king of that fucken little island. You were penniless and forsaken. But, a princeling liken the ugly duckling would one day become a swan. Huge and majestic. You might now be King of nothing. But, you remained a king's worth. Your place is decreed by Tengri (长生天). It will come to pass. This battle of the Land of the Crescent Lake is only but one of the many battles to be fought by you and you alone. You have no choice."

I asked, "Haven't I have enough?"

She replied, "That is if you think your limit is reached."

The world has forgotten that I was once a princeling from a little island in the sun. She didn't. Such a reminder only serves to strengthen my resolve to take up arms once again. I am a true warlord of the mythical east.

I sighed ...

Let's enjoy the shows ...

ps:   What if our own land is instead invaded, what should we do? The complete answer belongs to the private key. However, part of the complete answer is already enshrined in the many essays written thus far.

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