Thursday 30 January 2014

p.Terrible Start of Year 2014

The last part is here: The Ultimate Bet 

OMG !!!  Year 2014 has a terrible start for me. A roof fell on me! Luckily due to my advanced years I managed to follow my own inner voice - "故其疾如風、其徐如林、侵掠如火、難知如陰、不動如山、動如雷霆".

In life, there is no need for anger and pain. These are for the sentimentalists. When a decision needs to be exercised. Do not argue your view point, although it is perfectly sound to reasonable persons, exercise the Sun Tzu's Art of War immediately. When engaging in a battle, the enemy does not subscribe to reasons as they know they were beyond reasons. They can't engage reasons as they know full well that they must be unreasonable to start a battle. They would just stick to their monochromatic view point and totally ignore your plight, they will just knife it into your throat.

You have two choices:  

One, become angry and kick up a ruckus. You wouldn't win as they had expected you to do so. They would hold on to your two ding dongs and play their hard ball game.

Two, calmly declare that the situation is new to you and you needed time to react. Ask for time. Ask for their new and unreasonable terms. Pretend to bargain as hard as you possibly can so that they think that they had you hooked line and sinker. Move slightly away and get time alone. Plot the reaction. You must sound extremely calm and since the new situation is going to get you, you need to ask for external help. Ask them for time to locate external help and feedback some time later. Ask for a deadline as late as possible without sounding insincere. Accept some of the terrible terms as if you have no choice, try very hard to reject the other terms. The key to this is that you are trying to bargain. By bargaining, they will feel secure.

Move away for some time alone. Plot a time line that is just short of the actual deadline.

Return with all smiles and said that your friends are great pals. Your friends are with you all the way. But, their help is going to be marginally beyond the deadline agreed on earlier. The enemy will begin to savor the important victory although it might come a little later than expected.

With that concession, immediately move 75% of your pieces out of harm's way. The enemy wouldn't complain as they felt they can still hold on to your 25%. Start to spread thinly all your assets across the entire boundary. Give the illusion you are staying on their terms of contract.

Over the remaining period, remove your assets 5% at a time under their noses. Potentially you might lose the final 5%, but in all warfare, you can't expect not to lose any assets. Just give the illusion that you are still very much engaged.

On days just before the actual and original deadline (not the negotiated later one), move out totally and restart your life with another proprietor.

This is the tactics used by Sun Tzu as he must stay as still as the mountain and move in one SINGLE stroke as swift as the thunderclap. Only then, can you return least harmed.

This roof falling was fun. It tested simply my ability to react to situation. I have matured over time and life.

Happy New Year, everyone, though I am a little bruised.

I am now engaging new proprietors with terms that are even better than this former proprietor. Nothing too bad came out of this. But, this is my new year celebration. I am not supposed to fight and engage in battles. But, one can never drop the guards for too long. Sigh ... Life is ...

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